Gamma Student Pack
The Gamma Student Pack contains the Student Workbook with lesson-by-lesson worksheets, systematic review pages, and Application and Enrichment pages as well as Gamma Tests.
Multiplication for single and multiple-digit numbers and other topics.
Once students have mastered the concepts of addition and subtraction (covered in Alpha and Beta), they are ready for multiplication. Gamma teaches single-digit facts and multiple-digit multiplication skills..
Major Concepts and Skills Include:
- Using strategies based on place value and properties of operations to multiply
- Fluently multiplying any combination of whole numbers
- Solving for an unknown factor
- Solving abstract and real-world problems involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication
- Measuring and computing area
- Relating concepts of area to addition and multiplication
Additional Concepts and Skills:
- Skip counting as a precursor to multiplication
- Adding and subtracting time in hours and minutes
- Multiplying, adding, and subtracting Canadian currency and standard units of measure
- Representing, recording, and interpreting data
- Understanding of basic fractions
- Estimating and solving measurement problems
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